Thursday, September 29, 2005

All my Xanga blog stuff

Hi all, sorry I haven't updated this blog for a while. I've been posting on my Xanga blog instead. Here are all the old posts on my Xanga blog, Ebon_Hawk:

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Good news people! Today my "operation" went well, and I got out at....oh like 11 or 12 something around lunch time. All four of my wisdom teeth are out...they gave me "laughing gas" (didn't feel it at all, or giggle from it), and they put the IV in my arm to give the anesthesia (again, didn't feel the anesthesia working, because I was keeping my eyes closed underneath the blind fold) and I went to sleep. I was hoping I'd notice myself dropping off, but alas and alack, no. I'm very disappointed about losing my wisdom though. I mean, we're talking about lots of wisdom that was . . . locked up inside those teeth!!! AND THEY TOOK IT OUT! *sob*
Anyway, I don't feel "out of it" or anything like that, except that I'm afraid to open my jaw very wide (I'm freaked about TMJ problems!), 'cause I keep thinking it'll lock's just one of my pet paranoia's, hehe. So, thank you for your prayers all, and I'm glad I wasn't sleeping today (from the Vicadin and recovering from the anesthesia). Yes, I took half a Vicadin pill, but I didn't get any of the nasty side affects that sometimes come with it. Yay! Goodbye, friends, I'm gonna watch some more episodes of "Lost", it's a great show!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Blech! My wisdom teeth come on the 28th of this month...pray that it goes well, and that I don't get TMJ after that. By the way, I am sooo enjoying my new speakers...the bass can be heard through the whole house = )

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Oh, forgot something, my bro got a guitar from my grandparents (they didn't use it) and I got an old typewriter! Here's a pic of it: (except mine isn't quite a model seventeen, it's earlier)

Well, birthday aside, the 50th wedding anniversary (surprise) celebration went off without a hitch! My Mum's parents were very surprised - they fell for it hook line and sinker!
I'll post pictures later...

This is the poem I wrote for the 50th anniversary celebration!

* * * * * * *
An army police officer, a school graduate – both very much in love!

Oh that fateful spring…

Claude and Annell - she eighteen and he above,

Two minds alike, two hearts entwined,

A marriage in the making!

A small retreat in Redlands,

There they met each other.

Oh that fateful spring…of 1955.

The Lord’s hand was over all,

And Annell felt His awesome call -

Now she was a soldier for Christ!

Mere weeks later, a time so short and precious,

A bond of engagement had wrapped around the two.

A marriage in the making!

Oh that fateful spring…of 1955.

Married in September, their hearts now one,

They started out their life together –

So many happy years to come!

“we three” says his ring – the Lord, Annell and Claude,

The basis for their joyful marriage –

A union blessed by God!

And then came the child…

Dale they named him, and a quiet boy he was.

Next came Linda, a black-haired beauty.

Now who did the cradle hold?

David Andrew Russey!

Last came Claudia, an easygoing one,

And the family was complete.

What blessed years those were

As the marriage turned to gold…

Oh that fateful spring…of 1955.

Alas we must move on,

Past memories made and miles traveled,

To the year of ’83,

When Kristin was born!

A grandchild at last for Annell and Claude.

Must we stop at one?

Through the years came so many more,

All blessings to their joyful sires:

Desiree, Bradley and Katherine,

Ashley, Alison and Hannah,

Geoffrey, Josiah, Daniel and Sarah!

The list shall go on and on…

The Lord has ever blessed the two.

Oh that fateful spring…of 1955.

And Grandma – Grandpa, both of you,

May you ever renew the vows you made to each other,

In your actions – your words, and the kindly gestures to one another.

“What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

Lord, thank you for these 50 years.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I also got this from my So-Cal cousins!

I also got this:

a Logitech® USB Desktop Microphone!

Hello, sorry the list didn't come last night.
So anyway, lets start off with the new Logitech speakers I got:

The Logitech® X-230! Yay! Thank you for the subwoofer and speakers Mum and Dad!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Currently Watching
The Gods Must Be Crazy
By N!xau
see related
Guess what it is today? My birthday! Yay! Congrats to me! . . . . . . . w00t
So anyway, tonight I had this wonderful languini dish with sun-dried tomatoes, with chicken o oh-so-very-good flat long pasta noodles - along with a green salad (with avacadoes!), garlic bread, and zuchini (or some sort of other green squash). It was great. *sighs dramatically*
We'll be back with the report of - the list of gifts - in an hour or so!
So long...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Yay! We're going to scorching hot Tucson, Arizona next Thursday for my grandparents 50th anniversary (it's a surprise party!). I'm thinking of writing a special poem for it, and have something special about it, like having 50 lines....just an idea....


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